Zóna pre zamestnancov
a študentov FMFI UK

Physics in fuzzy spaces (26.9.-1.10.2016)

School and Workshop on Mathematical Physics, Stará Lesná, Slovakia, 2016, September 26 – October 1

04. 08. 2016 12.54 hod.
Od: Peter Prešnajder

The main objective could be oriented to the development of methods and models of description of black holes in fuzzy spaces. The first item is in mostly introductory, it contains subjects that could be helpful for a start. The next three are oriented to the presentation possible steps towards the goal – the description of Black holes in fuzzy spaces.

Tentative list of speakers: Denjoe O’Connor (Dublin), Harold Steinacker (Vienna), Jiří Tolar (Prague), Vladimír Balek (Bratislava), Michal Širáň (Bratislava), Juraj Tekel (Bratislava).

Accommodation: Hotel Academia at Stará Lesná (High Tatra region)

Arrival day: …. Su 25.09.2016          Departure: …… Sa 01.10.2016

More information about the site you can find on web page of the School organized in 2015 (actual web page will follow soon)


Contact person: Peter Prešnajder,  e-mail: presnajderfmph.uniba.sk