Zóna pre zamestnancov
a študentov FMFI UK

Seminár z kognitívnej vedy a umelej inteligencie - Ivor Uhliarik (12.4.2016)

v utorok 12.4.2016 o 16:30 hod. v miestnosti I/9

08. 04. 2016 11.01 hod.
Od: Igor Farkaš

Prednášajúci: Mgr. Ivor Uhliarik

Názov prednášky: Information Extraction: A Survey

Termín: 12.4.2016, 16:30 hod., I/9

In this talk we will define the problem of extracting information from unstructured text and review the methods involved in the pipeline. In particular, we will introduce the topics of named entity recognition and relation extraction, discuss their purpose in the effort to construct ontologies, and give an overview of several approaches commonly used in the respective fields. Throughout the talk, we will identify the tasks required from both computer scientists and linguists.