Zóna pre zamestnancov
a študentov FMFI UK

Seminár z kognitívnej vedy a umelej inteligencie - Tomáš Hromádka (19.4.2016)

v utorok 19.4.2016 o 16:30 hod. v miestnosti I/9

18. 04. 2016 10.25 hod.
Od: Igor Farkaš

Prednášajúci: MUDr. Mgr. Tomáš Hromádka, PhD.

Názov prednášky: Optogenetic manipulation of neural circuits

Termín: 19.4.2016, 16:30 hod., I/9

Understanding the function of mammalian brain requires not only detailed observational methods, but also techniques that enable us to perturb brain activity. Given the complexity and heterogeneity of mammalian brain, however, the tools that would manipulate neuronal activity with the speed and precision matched to neural activity of living brains were not available. Relatively recent advances in molecular biology led to development of optogenetic tools, i.e. light-sensitive proteins that can control activity of single neurons. These tools can be targeted to defined subpopulations of neurons embedded in the complex and heterogeneous nervous tissue and function on spatial and temporal scales required for precise control of neuronal activity. I will introduce the field of optogenetics and demonstrate advantages and caveats of using optogenetic tools in control of neuronal activity, dissection of neuronal circuits in vivo, as well as controlling behavior of experimental animals.