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Seminár z kognitívnej vedy - Peter Sýkora (6.12.2016)

v utorok 6.12.2016 o 16:30 hod. v miestnosti I/9

02. 12. 2016 12.40 hod.
Od: Igor Farkaš

Prednášajúci: prof. RNDr. Peter Sýkora, PhD. (Filozofická fakulta UCM v Trnave)

Názov: Cognitive enhancement, genetic manipulations and ethics

Termín: 6.12.2016, 14:00 hod., I/9

Cognitive enhancement of man using neurochips, chemical substances or genetic manipulations are today the topics of important discussions on ethics. This year Chinese scientists published experiments, in which they, using a break-through novel method CRISPR/Cas9 for the first time in history manipulated in a controlled way the DNA of the human embryo, which evoked a vigorous reaction in the scientific community. Are we standing at an onset of the new revolution when the human takes his biological evolution in his own hands? Have we stepped out toward a creation of a new, posthuman biological species?