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a študentov FMFI UK

COMPUTING in SCHOOLS - minikonferencia (7.12.2016)

v stredu 7.12.2016 o 13:00 hod. v posluchárni C

05. 12. 2016 14.24 hod.
Od: Milada Gurová

Slovenská informatická spoločnosť Vás pozýva na minikonferenciu, ktorá sa uskutoční v priestoroch FMFI UK:


13:00 Otvorenie 

13:10 Branislav Rovan: Computing in Schools - Slovakia - Past
13:30 Zuzana Kubincová: Computing in Schools - Slovakia - Present
13:50 Ivan Kalaš: Computing in Schools - Slovakia - Future
14:10 Johann Stockinger, Ronald Bieber: Initiative Education 4.0 - Austria 

14:30 Prestávka 

15:00 Pierfranco Ravotto: LOGIC, AICA proposal for Computing in Italian Primary and Lower Secondary Schools - Italy
15:20 Jan Lepeltak: Think as a computer scientist - The implementation of Computational Thinking (CT) in the curriculum - Netherland
15:40 Radoslav Yoshinov, Monka Kotseva: From Learning models to the Technological Pillars of e-Educatio - Bulgaria
16:00 Radoslav Yoshinov, Monka Kotseva: Vision for the engagement of the e-Facilitator (extended in QONIAon project) in School in the Inspiring Science Education environment - Bulgaria  

16:20  Diskusia a záver


Viac informácii na www.informatika.sk.