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Seminár z teoretickej fyziky - Samuel Kováčik (24.4.2017)

v pondelok 24.4.2017 o 14:00 hod. v miestnosti F2/125

21. 04. 2017 09.17 hod.
Od: Peter Maták

Prednášajúci: Samuel Kováčík

Názov: Testing gauge/gravity duality on a computer

Termín: 24.4.2017, 14:00 hod., F2/125

We will discuss numerical simulations of flavored BFSS matrix model. Even though this model is interesting on its own, arising from different areas of theoretical physics, our goal will be to test the gauge/gravity duality (sometimes called AdS/CFT as its simplest examples). To do so we try to reproduce the gravity predictions on the gauge side of the picture using (Rational Hybrid) Monte Carlo Method.