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Postdoctoral Research Associate position in Big Data Optimization at University of Edinburgh

A postdoctoral position in big data optimization is available at the School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, under the supervision of Dr Peter Richtarik. The post is funded through the EPSRC Fellowship "Randomized Algorithms for Extreme Convex Optimization”.

10. 01. 2016 05.48 hod.
Od: Peter Richtarik

PhD in optimization, computer science, applied mathematics, engineering, operations research, machine learning or a related discipline is required. Strong research track record is essential.

Duration: 3 years

Starting date: August or September 2016

Research travel budget

Application closing date: January 29, 2016

 More information and online application form: https://www.vacancies.<wbr />ed.ac.uk/pls/corehrrecruit/<wbr />erq_jobspec_version_4.jobspec?<wbr />p_id=034907

The University of Edinburgh is a founding partner of the Alan Turing Institute -- the national data science institute. Edinburgh is the home of Archer, the national supercomputing facility.

For informal inquiries, contact Dr Richtarik (peter.richtariked.ac.uk).