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Postdoctoral research fellowship in high-energy physics group

The Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics, Comenius University Bratislava is seeking candidates for a postdoctoral research fellowship in high-energy physics group.

14. 07. 2021 21.11 hod.
Od: Róbert Jajcay

The selected candidate is expected to contribute to high-energy physics research of the HEP group in the field of rare processes - in the group's NA62 involvement, or, alternatively, in its theoretical studies. 

The selected candidate, if involved in the NA62 research, will be based in Bratislava but will be expected to be present at CERN during the NA62 data taking working on the data analysis and detector operation within the NA62 experiment at CERN and playing a leading role in the group’s analysis of NA62 data towards precision measurements of the K+ to pi+nn decay and other rare kaon decays, with possible involvement at CERN in maintenance of the NA62 detectors and beam tests.

The successful candidate, if working in theory, will be expected to contribute to the group's research on CP violation, lepton flavor violation and baryogenesis in the early universe and nature of dark matter.

The position is funded for one year with possible second year extension and wil l start on 1/10/2021, or later, until 1/1/2022, after mutual agreement. The gross (pre-tax and pre-social-security) salary in the first year will be around 27,800 EUR.

Interested candidates should send their CV and research statement to Tomas Blazek (Tomas.Blazekcern.ch), and have two recommendation letters emailed to the same address.
The deadline is August 8, 2021.
The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.