Prednáška: On Density of Some Automatic Sequences - Jean-Marc Deshouillers (16.5.2016)
v pondelok 16.5.2016 o 10:00 hod. na Matematickom ústave SAV
Prednášajúci: Jean-Marc Deshouillers (University of Bordeaux, France)
Názov: On Density of Some Automatic Sequences
Termín: 16.5.2016, 10:00 hod., Matematický ústav SAV, miestnosť 408
Some 40 years ago, Cobham told us that "automatic sequences" have a logarithmic density, but the mere reality tells us that not all "automatic sequences" do have a "natural" asymptotic density. We shall discuss this question in general, and also with more details on one specific question, a work in progress with Greg Dresden (W&L, USA) and Shanta Laishram (ISI Delhi), namely the distribution of the “last” significant digit of n! in base b. Those sequences are presented in the Sloane’s Encyclopaedia, see for example A136698 for the case b = 12.