Seminár z teoretickej informatiky - Dana Pardubská (21.10.2016)
v piatok 21.10.2016 o 11:00 hod. v miestnosti M/213
Prednášajúci: Dana Pardubská
Názov: Information Complexity Is Computable
Termín: 21.10.2016, 11:00 hod., M/213
Mark Braverman and Jon Schneider: Information Complexity Is Computable (ICALP 2016)
The information complexity of a function f is the minimum amount of information Alice and Bob need to exchange to compute the function f. In this paper an algorithm for approximating the information complexity of an arbitrary function f to within any additive error ε > 0 is given, thus resolving an open question as to whether information complexity is computable.
The process gives the first explicit upper bound on the rate of convergence of the information complexity of f when restricted to b-bit protocols to the (unrestricted) information complexity of f.