Seminár Katedry teoretickej fyziky - Marián Fecko (25.10.2022)
v utorok 25.10.2022 o 14:00 hod. v miestnosti M X
Prednášajúci: Marián Fecko
Názov: Galilean and Carrollian invariant Hodge star operators
Termín: 25.10.2022, 14:00 hod., miestnosť M X
The Hodge star operator is naturally associated with metric tensor. It is therefore invariant, on Minkowski spacetime, with respect to Poincar\'e transformations and is routinely used to succinctly write down Poincar\'e invariant physics equations. In Galilean (Carrollian) spacetime, there is no Galilean (Carrollian) invariant metric tensor available. So the usual construction of Galilean (Carrollian) invariant Hodge stars does not work. It turns out, however, that there are useful analogs of the Hodge star operator. They may be used to write down Galilean (Carrollian) invariant physics equations. e.g. equations of Galilean (Carrollian) electrodynamics.