Zóna pre zamestnancov
a študentov FMFI UK

Seminár z teórie grafov - Štefánia Glevitzká (13.10.2022)

vo štvrtok 13.10.2022 o 9:50 hod. v miestnosti M/213

11. 10. 2022 07.39 hod.
Od: Martin Škoviera

Prednášajúci: Štefánia Glevitzká

Názov: Vertex-transitive closures of graphs

Termín: 13.10.2022, 9:50 hod., M 213

A vertex-transitive closure of a graph G is a vertex-transitive supergraph of G on the same vertex set. The vertex-transitive number of G is the smallest possible degree of a vertex-transitive closure of G. In this talk, we introduce the concepts of vertex-transitive closure and vertex-transitive number of a graph. We estimate and in some cases also determine vertex-transitive numbers for graphs with relatively simple structure and we prove some general observations. 

Stránka seminára