Zóna pre zamestnancov
a študentov FMFI UK

Seminár z teórie grafov - Tomáš Kaiser (22.4.2021)

vo štvrtok 22.4.2021 o 9:50 hod. online formou

21. 04. 2021 10.11 hod.
Od: Martin Škoviera

Prednášajúci: Tomáš Kaiser (Západočeská univerzita, Plzeň)

Názov: Independent transversals in graph

Termín: 22.4.2021, 9:50 hod.

Prístupový kód do MS TEAMS (pre používateľov z UK): gglxxc7 
Pripojenie (pre hostí mimo UK)

An independent transversal in a graph G with a given partition P of its vertex set is an independent set in G intersecting each block of P in a single vertex. Given a lower bound on the size of blocks of P, which conditions on the degrees in G imply the existence of an independent transversal? We will discuss topological and probabilistic aspects of this classical problem as well as recent developments related to the entropy compression method. Includes joint work with Carla Groenland, Matt Wales and Oscar Treffers.

Stránka seminára