Seminár z teórie grafov - Shasha Zheng (9.11.2023)
vo štvrtok 9.11.2023 o 9:50 hod. v posluchárni C
Prednášajúci: Shasha Zheng
Názov: Cubic graphical regular representations of finite simple groups
Termín: 9.11.2023, 9:50 hod., poslucháreň C
A graphical regular representation (GRR for short) of a group G is a Cayley graph of G whose full automorphism group is equal to the right regular permutation representation of G. In this talk, we study cubic GRRs of some families of classical groups and, based on some previously known results, confirm a conjecture made by Fang and Xia which asserts that with finitely many exceptions, every finite non-abelian simple group admits a cubic GRR.