Zóna pre zamestnancov
a študentov FMFI UK

Seminár Katedry teoretickej fyziky - Peter Maták (12.11.2024)

v utorok 12.11.2024 o 14:50 hod. v miestnosti F2/125

07. 11. 2024 09.01 hod.
Od: Peter Maták

Prednášajúci: Peter Maták

Názov: Leptogenesis from asymmetric Dirac neutrino scatterings

Termín: 12.11.2024, 14:50 hod., miestnosť F2 125

In the first part of the seminar, we focus on the origin and general properties of CP asymmetric reactions, which are needed to generate the matter-antimatter asymmetry according to the Sakharov conditions. Then, in the second part, a leptogenesis model will be introduced, in which massless right-handed neutrinos undergoing ultraviolet freeze-in are the only out-of-equilibrium particles. It will be shown that even though the lepton number source term vanishes, opposite asymmetries of the decoupled right-handed neutrinos and standard model leptons are washed in.

The seminar is primarily based on [Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 055042].