Zóna pre zamestnancov
a študentov FMFI UK

Nukleárny seminár - Gennady Kozlov (11.12.2024)

v stredu 11.12.2024 o 14:00 hod. v miestnosti F1/364

05. 12. 2024 12.09 hod.
Od: Jaroslav Staníček

Pozývame Vás na Nukleárny seminár Katedry jadrovej fyziky a biofyziky FMFI UK, Slovenskej fyzikálnej spoločnosti a Slovenskej nukleárnej spoločnosti 

 prof. Gennady Kozlov (CERN)

Názov: Compact bound state of scalar particles

Termín: 11.12.2024, 14:00 hod., F1/364 (zasadačka KJFB)

We study the feebly interacting dark matter with the Standard Model fields, where the preceding and the latter ones are the constituents of the bosonic cosmological objects, the scalar boson stars (BS). The scalar dark matter (SDM) massive fields can form the compact scalar bound state when minimally coupled to gravity. We consider an effective description of a more complete model with the (thermo)dynamic potential of the BS at finite temperature. The formation of the BS intuitively is explained in terms of the string-like structure of the electric fluxes of the hidden vector field under the impact (the girth) of the SDM fields. The spin 1/2 dark matter particles correspond to the flux-tube excitation with terminals. The SDM fields may fluctuate with the temperature and are established around the equilibrium state at some weak background scale. The BS may have approximately a stationary form with an asymptotically flat geometry, and the maximal mass of the star is larger than the solar mass. In the talk, the data of the LHC at CERN collected in 2016-2024, were used.