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a študentov FMFI UK

Doktorandské kolokvium KAI - Lukáš Radoský (11.11.2024)

v pondelok 11.11.2024 o 13:10 hod. v miestnosti I/9

06. 11. 2024 09.36 hod.
Od: Damas Gruska

Prednášajúci: Lukáš Radoský

Názov: Optimization and Reuse in Development of Large Software Systems

Termín: 11.11.2024, 13:10 hod., I/9

Software complexity is constantly growing, creating need for abstract points of view. Software modelling tackles this issue, offering various approaches to software abstraction at varying granularities and aspects. Despite the ever-changing nature of software, the software development phases remain constant, namely analysis, specification, design, implementation, testing, deployment and maintenance. The complexity of software also makes it more challenging to transform artifacts created within one phase, e.g. requirements, to artifacts of the next phase, e.g. component model. The research of both software modelling and automated software artifacts transformation always welcomes new ideas. We propose a novel software modelling method that provides both the structure and the behavior of the modelled system in one view, with the model being executable. To simplify the process of projecting software models into implementation, the software prototype supporting our modelling method also features automated transformation of platform-independent software models into platform-dependent source code. Additionally, we also research ways of transforming requirements specification to software design. Validity of software modelling methods and supporting prototypes is usually validated by performing user evaluation, which is a step yet to be taken.


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