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a študentov FMFI UK

Seminár z algebraickej teórie grafov - Dominika Mihálová (27.10.2023)

v piatok 27.10.2023 o 13:00 hod. v posluchárni M VIII aj online

24. 10. 2023 11.32 hod.
Od: Martin Mačaj

Prednášajúci: Dominika Mihálová

Názov: Constructions of Hypergraphical Regular Representations via $k$-uniform Hypergraphs of Certain Groups of Order Greater than $32$

Termín: 27.10.2023, 13:00 hod., M VIII a MS Teams 

We explores the problem of hypergraphical regular representation of finite group $G$ via $k$-uniform hypergraph. A hypergraphical regular representation preserves the group's structure within the hypergraph. We build upon previous research and investigates hypergraphical regular representations of certain groups of orders greater than $32$. We present an algorithm based on methods by Mihálová and Erskine and Tuite. The algorithm is implemented in the computational system \emph{GAP} to find hypergraphical regular representations for certain groups. The results include a table with groups for which hypergraphical regular representations via $k$-uniform hypergraphs were obtained.

Those of you who are not able to attend in person or who are still uncertain about the safety of attending in person are welcome to attend via MS Teams. In either case, we hope to see as many of you as possible (either in person or virtually) at our Friday gatherings.