Zóna pre zamestnancov
a študentov FMFI UK

EASTER MIXER (11.4.2022)

online podujatie pre zahraničných výskumníkov, doktorandov a lektorov/online event for international researchers, doctoral students and lecturers

05. 04. 2022 16.26 hod.
Od: Juraj Tóth

EURAXESS Slovensko (www.euraxess.sk) organizuje online podujatie pre zahraničných výskumníkov, doktorandov a lektorov, ktorí pôsobia na slovenských vysokých školách a vo výskumných organizáciách na Slovensku

Online podujatie pod názvom EASTER MIXER sa uskutoční 
11. apríla 2022 v čase od 15:00 do 16:30 hod.

Bližšie informácie

Dear international researcher, 

as we know you are currently staying in our beautiful country, we would like to invite you to our special event called EASTER MIXER. It will be held on April 11th at 15:00 and will last around 1 hour and 30 minutes. 

WHEN: 11th April (Monday), 2022, 14:30 CET via Zoom


During the event you will: 

  • Learn about bizarre Slovak Easter traditions with our special guests from Global Slovakia, - Dr. Zuzana Palovic and Dr. Gabriela Bereghazyova
  • Join a live cooking session and discover how to make the most famous Slovak meal "HALUŠKY"
  • Network and make new friends with other international researchers working in Slovakia

COOKING LESSON: Feel free to just watch or you can follow along our colleague Meggie who will guide you on how to cook the perfect "HALUŠKY" for your dinner. For this recipe you will need the following ingredients: 


  • 1 larger potato
  • All-purpose flour
  • 1 egg
  • Salt
  • Sheep cheese (app 100 g) – best is 100% sheep milk cheese
  • Bacon (or smoked tofu if you are vegetarian)
  • Sour-cream to garnish

You will also need: 

  • A pot and a pan
  • A knife and chopping board
  • A mixer or grater

To join the event, please register via the LINK below.  After confirming the registration, ZOOM link will be sent to your email address. In case you completed your registration but you can not attend the event, please, let us know in advance.