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a študentov FMFI UK

A Multi-Batch L-BFGS Method for Machine Learning - Martin Takáč (11.7.2016)

v pondelok 11.7.2016 o 10:30 hod. v miestnosti M/125

06. 07. 2016 13.05 hod.
Od: Pavol Brunovský

Prednášajúci: Martin Takáč (Lehigh University USA)

Názov prednášky: A Multi-Batch L-BFGS Method for Machine Learning

Termín: 11.7.2016, 10:30 hod., M/125

The question of how to parallelize the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) method has received much attention in the literature. In this paper, we focus instead on batch methods that use a sizeable fraction of the training set at each iteration to facilitate parallelism, and that employ second-order information. In order to improve the learning process, we follow a multi-batch approach in which the batch changes at each iteration. This inherently gives the algorithm a stochastic flavor that can cause instability in L-BFGS, a popular batch method in machine learning. These difficulties arise because L-BFGS employs gradient differences to update the Hessian approximations; when these gradients are computed using different data points the process can be unstable. This paper shows how to perform stable quasi-Newton updating in the multi-batch setting, illustrates the behavior of the algorithm in a distributed computing platform, and studies its convergence properties for both the convex and nonconvex cases.