Zóna pre zamestnancov
a študentov FMFI UK

Seminár z teoretickej informatiky - Jiří Wiedermann (10.11.2023)

v piatok 10.11.2023 o 11:00 hod. v miestnosti M/213

06. 11. 2023 13.37 hod.
Od: Rastislav Královič

Prednášajúci: prof. RNDr. Jiří Wiedermann, DrSc. (Akadémia vied ČR)

Názov: On the Power of Generative AI

Termín10.11.2023, 11:00 hod., M/213

In this lecture, we explore the purpose and potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in light of the current approaches to generative AI. We argue that the respective models can be seen as tools for acquiring and generating artificial wisdom, enabling us to make wiser decisions and behave more intelligently. Unlike earlier AI approaches, which focused on generating knowledge from data, contemporary language models have the ability to extract meaning from syntactic patterns and relate this meaning to real-world descriptions. This capacity reflects a form of cognition known in biology as 4E cognition, which emphasizes the embodied, embedded, extended, and enacted nature of intelligent behavior. We argue that contemporary large language models possess a form of illusory intelligence and illusory wisdom that has not been described in the literature before. By recognizing the potential of generative AI to generate and use wisdom, we can move beyond knowledge-centric approaches to AI and develop more nuanced models of intelligent behavior.