Seminár z teórie grafov - Robert Lukoťka (7.4.2022)
vo štvrtok 7.4.2022 o 9:50 hod. v miestnosti M/213
Prednášajúci: Robert Lukoťka
Názov: Non-trivial snarks with given circular chromatic index
Termín: 7.4.2022, 9:50 hod., M 213
We prove that there exists a non-trivial snark with circular chromatic index $r$ for any rational $r\in (3, 3+1/3]$. In addition, for each integer $g$ there exists an $\eps$ such that each rational $r\in (3,3+\eps)$ is a circular chromatic index of a cyclically $5$-edge-connected snark of girth at least $g$. We also construct cyclically $6$-edge-connected snarks for every rational number in $(3, 3+\eps)$, for some constant $\eps$.
This is a joint work with Jan Mazák.