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Algebraic Graph Theory International Webinar (10.5.2022)

v utorok 10.5.2022 o 19:00 hod.

09. 05. 2022 15.07 hod.
Od: Róbert Jajcay

The organizers of the Algebraic Graph Theory International Webinar would like to invite you to join us and other colleagues on May 10, 2022, at 7pm Central European Summer Time (= 5pm UTC), for the next presentation delivered by Alex Lubotzky. 

The title of Martin's talk: Good locally testable codes

An error-correcting code is locally testable (LTC) if there is a random tester that reads only a small number of bits of a given word and decides whether the word is in the code, or at least close to it. A long-standing problem asks if there exists such a code that also satisfies the golden standards of coding theory: constant rate and constant distance. Unlike the classical situation in coding theory, random codes are not LTC, so this problem is a challenge of a new kind. We construct such codes based on what we call (Ramanujan) Left/Right Cayley square complexes. These are 2-dimensional versions of the expander codes constructed by Sipser and Spielman (1996). The main result and lecture will be self-contained. But we hope also to explain how the seminal work Howard Garland ( 1972) on the cohomology of quotients of the Bruhat-Tits buildings of p-adic Lie group has led to this construction (even though it is not used at the end).

Based on joint work with I. Dinur, S. Evra, R. Livne, and S. Mozes.

The Zoom link for this semester is: 
Meeting ID: 871 9332 0713
Passcode: 653250

Further details may be found at http://euler.doa.fmph.uniba.sk/AGTIW.html

where you can also find the slides and the recordings of our previous presentations. Also, if you wish to advertise an AGT friendly conference on this page, please send us the link.  

Hoping to see you at the webinar, and wishing you all the best. 

Isabel HubardRobert Jajcay and Primoz Potocnik