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Postdoctoral fellow in the area of Extremal locally uniform combinatorial structures

The Department of Algebra and Geometry, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava seeks candidates for a postdoctoral fellowship in the area of Extremal locally uniform combinatorial structures.

12. 07. 2021 22.20 hod.
Od: Róbert Jajcay

The selected candidate is expected to play a leading role in research activities related to the above mentioned research field, to participate in related seminars, and collaborate with her/his host Prof. Robert Jajcay, his colleagues and doctoral students.

This is a one-year position. The expected starting date is October 1, 2021.


The gross salary is around 27,000 EUR per year (including social security contributions and taxes).

Interested candidates are required to send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, research statement, and to arrange for two recommendation letters to be sent to Prof. Robert Jajcay (robert.jajcayfmph.uniba.sk). The call deadline is August 15, 2021. Position will remain open until suitable candidate is found.  

Contact: Prof. Robert Jajcay (robert.jajcayfmph.uniba.sk
Letters of reference should be sent to: robert.jajcay@fmph.uniba.sk