Zóna pre zamestnancov
a študentov FMFI UK

Nukleárny seminár - Mohammad Alem Sultani (10.4.2024)

v stredu 10.4.2024 o 14:00 hod. v miestnosti F1/364

04. 04. 2024 22.31 hod.
Od: Jaroslav Staníček

Pozývame Vás na Nukleárny seminár Katedry jadrovej fyziky a biofyziky FMFI UK, Slovenskej fyzikálnej spoločnosti a Slovenskej nukleárnej spoločnosti 

 Dr. Mohammad Alem Sultani

Názov: Mixing layer height based on outdoor radon and its implication on air quality in Bratislava, Slovakia

Termín: 10.4.2024, 14:00 hod., F1/364 (zasadačka KJFB)

The study of outdoor radon, a noble and radioactive gas, holds significant interest due to its contributions to background radiation and its utility as a tracer in atmospheric research. This study focuses on the long-term measurement of outdoor radon activity concentration (RAC) in the atmosphere of Bratislava, Slovakia, with the aim of determining the mixing layer height (MLH). The MLH, which represents the lower part of the atmospheric boundary layer, plays a crucial role in interpreting and understanding air quality, as it influences the dispersion of pollutants released at the Earth's surface. Utilizing a box model based on RAC and radon flux, we assessed various properties including diurnal cycles and seasonal variations of MLH in our locality. The results were compared with data from the ERA5 reanalysis dataset; despite some differences in seasonal and diurnal patterns, good agreement was observed. Furthermore, we investigated the implications of MLH based on radon on concentrations of major air pollutants such as O3, CO, PM10, PM2.5, and radionuclides (i.e., 210Pb, 7Be, 40K, 137Cs) using statistical techniques including simple linear regression, multiple regression analysis, and canonical correlation analysis. Our analysis revealed valuable insights into the relationships between MLH and studied pollutants. In conclusion, MLH estimation based on outdoor radon measurements offers a straightforward, consistent, and cost-effective approach compared to conventional methods. These findings deepen our understanding of MLH properties in our locality and their influence on air quality, providing valuable insights for environmental research and policymaking.